
Create effortless style in your home with our range of beautiful wall art prints. Designed in our Sydney studio, then commercially printed using high grade anti-fade inks & shipped directly to you. Our premium wall art prints will stand the test of time.

Art Paper (unframed)

240 gsm thick art paper with a matte finish. Commercially printed locally, using high grade anti-fade inks. Sustainably sourced and FSC® A000531 Certified. Fully archival (acid & chlorine free) to ensure your print will stand the test of time.

Stretched Canvas

Thick cotton poly blend canvas, printed on a 12 colour pigment ink wide format printer. Seamlessly wrapped around a sustainable timber frame. Handmade locally. Canvas is 2-3 cm deep from the wall (3-4 cm deep on 100 x 120cm size). Hook or cord at the back, ready to hang.

Framed Print

Our quality prints in handcrafted frames. Made locally from sustainably sourced timber by professional framers. Featuring crystal clear plexi-glass faces (stronger than glass). Composite board backing. 2cm front x 2cm deep (A0 & larger are approx 2-3cm front x 3-5cm deep). White, Black & Natural. Hook or cord at the back, ready to hang.

It's all in the detail

Professionally printed on matte paper or canvas using aqueous inks on 12-colour archival printers. The result? Vibrant, vivid prints with colour accurate detail everytime. All our wall art is available in unframed or ready to hang, the choice is yours!

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the most common FAQ's we get asked below. If you still can't find an answer, please reach out using the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Yes we print at very high resolution. Unlike a lot of print stores - we provide close up photos for each artwork, so you can see the resolution easily before purchase. Please keep in mind at some larger sizes it's not possible to obtain photographic clarity using current camera technology. This is true for all poster stores, not just us! Please carefully view all product photos to ensure you are happy with the zoomed in details before purchase. All our prints are commercially printed to replicate the texture, colour & vibrancy of each unique artwork. We frequently use paint, sketch, and watercolours through our art, and some of these are not meant to have photographic clarity. Larger prints are best viewed from a distance. Only when viewing close up may it be noticeable. If unsure, please ask us for some close-ups at your size before purchase. 

Our prints are designed for an indoor environment, out of direct sunlight and away from pets, children, dirt, water & moisture. Like all prints they will fade and / or wear if displayed outdoors or in an area where they may be subject to damage or high traffic. Please note all ink fades when exposed to UV light / sunlight over extended periods of time (including our anti-fade inks) no matter where they are purchased from. To help slow this down, UV protection can help (just like sunblock for the skin!) Clear sealers are perfect: like Krylon Clear UV resistant spray in matte. Better yet - order your print in one of our framed which already has UV protection in the plexi-glass!

Real life printed images may have slight colour variation, when compared to images viewed on a computer monitor, tablet or smartphone depending on the resolution / settings on the device. We strive to ensure all images are displayed correctly in our store and true to colour, however we cannot account for subtle variations on different electronic displays, as each screen will differ.

Don't forget that pictures viewed on a bright electronic screen are different to printed photos or images, as these are not illuminated. An easy trick is to adjust the brightness of your screen so you can see closer to what it will look like in real life. To do this, open a blank word doc or google sheet to view a large white area on your screen. Then, make the white area the same brightness as a white piece of A4 or letter paper while holding it next to the screen. This will give you a rough idea of what it will look like in real life.

There are many ways to hang prints depending on factors like how big the print is, and what sort of wall you might have.

While we may provide tips and tricks to help you decide what might be a good method in your situation - however we are not hanging or mounting specialists in the trade industry. We aren't responsible for hanging up or installation of prints or other products.

We recommend consulting a professional mounting specialist to hang, install or mount your print in a safe and secure manner. If you are using third party materials to hang, install or mount your print (eg, 3M strips), please ensure you follow the manufacturer's guidelines for these materials listed on the pack or website carefully, to minimise risk of the materials failing. Please contact the manufacturer of these materials before hanging or mounting wall art if you are missing these instructions.

None of our prints are waterproof or water resistant. Please keep them all away from all forms moisture to ensure they live long & happy lives :)

We use crystal clear acrylic plexi-glass faces for most of our framed prints. Why? Acrylic plexi-glass is stronger, clearer, safer (and more expensive!) than real glass. While they are not shatter-proof they are much less likely to break during transit.

If we need to use real glass in your print - as with all our prints - we ship them safely and securely in layered specially made rigid cardboard boxes to help mitigate any transit bumps!

We can offer this on some of our prints, however please check with us first to see if it's possible.

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